A bit about me....
A few years ago I found myself in a strange situation...
I suddenly lost the ability to sleep more than 3 hours a night and developed severe stomach cramps and I couldn't work out why. I had ticked many of the boxes I thought would give me the life I wanted.. I had a BA and MSc from two good universities, a successful career, a good relationship and my own home, but.. eventually I realised I wasn't living the life I wanted. Instead I had followed a blueprint for success: someone else's idea of success.
This was the start of a challenging but rewarding journey that taught me a lot about myself, changed many aspects of how I live and has shaped the way that I coach. Two years later, in late 2015, I started to train as a Transformational Life Coach and a year later became a full-time coach. Since then I've helped hundreds of people from more than 30 different countries to get the Life, Work and Relationships they want. I can now say that I'm living life on my own terms.
But why me?
What makes me the right coach to help you?

Coaching is not about me having the answers to your questions. But I've done a lot of thinking, reading and talking about what makes a good life, which means I know the right questions to ask so that you find your answers.
Before coaching I spent 15 years working in business. I've also run my own business and advised the British Government on employment and workplace issues. This expertise enables me to ask the right questions whether you're an employee or entrepreneur.
When I started coaching I originally planned to make relationship coaching my focus. It's challenging, because by its nature success in dating and relationships is not just about you, but I've developed a large toolkit to help any scenario.
My Strengths
Interested & Curious
I'm always fascinated to hear my clients' stories and to understand how they see the world.
Powerful Questions
I ask unusual questions that will stimulate your brain to think new thoughts, see new possibilities and question your previous assumptions.
Unafraid to Challenge
I'm friendly but not your friend. That means it's my job to challenge you rather than agree with you. What I think doesn't matter. This is your life.
Great Listener
I'm trained to listen not just to understand what you mean but to check that you understand what you mean. Clients regularly tell me that after talking to me they realise that nobody has ever properly listened to them before.
Patient and non-judgmental
I never ever judge anything you say to me during coaching because I'm so focused on understanding your point of view. I never feel impatient for my own sake, but sometimes I may challenge you if I think you're avoiding something you want to talk about.
Calm & Measured
Some coaches use anger, aggression and offensive language to motivate clients. That's not me. Instead people comment that I'm a calming presence and that I'm very measured in how I speak.
I don't see things as black and white, but rather as a spectrum of different colours that merge into each other. My coaching approaches each subject with an open mind, assuming nothing, ready to be surprised and to explore what is often nuanced and unreliable.
Balanced and Fair
It isn't my job to tell you what you want to hear and agree with you. My role is to help you to see things in a new way and to explore new thoughts, interpretations and possibilities. By being balanced and fair I can help you to think clearly and work with the most useful information.